FSSAI License Food License in India

FSSAI registration is one of the most important registration requiredby every person involved in the food business, such as persons who wish to open a restaurant, bakery, hotel, cloud kitchen or food stall in India. Every Food Business Operator (FBO), such as entities or persons involved in manufacturing, preparation, selling, transportation, distribution and storage of food articles/products, are also mandatorily required to have an FSSAI registration to carry on their food business.

FSSAI stands for Food Safety and Standards Authority of India. It is an organisation that monitors and governs the entire food business in India. It is an autonomous body that is established under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.

The FSSAI has been established under the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 (FSS Act) which is a consolidating statute related to food safety and regulation in India. It ensures the food products undergo quality checks thereby curtailing the food adulteration and sale of sub-standard products. It is responsible for the registering and licensing of the FBOs in India and it lays down the rules and regulations for running the food business in India.

FSSAI License Food License in India

Food Business Operators Who Require FSSAI Registration?

The Food Business Operators (FBOs) carrying on the following kinds of the food business must have FSSAI License/Registration:

  • Petty retailers, Retail Shops, Snacks shops, Confectionery or Bakery shops, etc
  • Temporary stalls, fixed stalls, or food premises are involved in preparing, storing, distributing, and selling food products.
  • Hawkers sell packaged or freshly prepared food by traveling from one location to another.
  • Dairy Units, including Milk Chilling Units, Petty Milkmen, and Milk Vendors
  • Slaughtering house
  • Fish Processing, Meat Processing, and unit
  • All Food Manufacturing units that include Repacking food
  • Vegetable Oil Processing Units
  • Proprietary food and Novel food
  • Cold/refrigerated storage facility
  • Transporter of food products having several specialized vehicles like insulated refrigerated vans/wagons, milk tankers, food wagons, food trucks, etc
  • Wholesalers, suppliers, distributors, and marketers of food products
  • Hotels, Restaurants, and Bars
  • Canteens and Cafeteria, including mid-day meal canteens
  • Food Vending Agencies and Caterers
  • Dhaba, PG provides food, a Banquet hall with food catering arrangements, Home Based Canteen, and Food stalls at fairs or religious institutions.
  • Importers and Exporters of food items and food ingredients
  • E-Commerce food suppliers, including cloud kitchens
  • Eligibility Criteria for Food Business Registration/License
  • The document attached here provides eligibility criteria for Food Business Registration/License.

FSSAI Registration

Every person (natural or artificial) involved in food business, such as manufacturing, processing, storage, distribution and sale of food products must compulsorily obtain FSSAI Registration or License.

FSSAI Registration is different from the FSSAI License depending on the size and nature of the business. FBOs should obtain the necessary registration or license depending on the size of their businesses.

FSSAI Registration is a 14-digit registration or a license number that is printed on all the food packages. The 14-digit registration number gives details about the assembling state and producer’s permit. This registration procedure is aimed to create more accountability on the FBO to maintain the quality of the food products. 

The licensing and registration procedure and requirements are regulated by Food Safety & Standards (Licensing and Registration of Food Business) Regulations, 2011.

FSSAI Registration/FSSAI License

FSSAI registration is provided based on the business types, turnover, and production capacity. According to the installed capacity and turnover, FBOs are eligible for essential, central, and state licenses.

Types of FSSAI Registration

FSSAI registration is based on the business types, turnover and capacity of production. Depending upon the installed capacity and turnover, FBOs are eligible for license such as basic license, central license, and state license.

  • FSSAI Basic Registration – FBOs having a turnover of less than Rs.12 lakh p.a must obtain FSSAI basic registration. The FSSAI registration form that the applicant has to fill to obtain FSSAI basic registration is Form A.
  • FSSAI State License – FBOs having a turnover of more than Rs.12 lakh p.a and less than Rs.20 crore p.a must obtain the FSSAI state license. The FSSAI registration form that the applicant has to fill to obtain an FSSAI state license is Form B.
  • FSSAI Central License – FBOs having a turnover of more than Rs.20 crore p.a must obtain the FSSAI central license. The FSSAI registration form that the applicant has to fill to obtain FSSAI central license is Form B.

Benefits of Procuring FSSAI Food License

Obtaining a license can provide the food business with legal benefits, build goodwill, ensure food safety, create consumer awareness, and assist in business expansion. Also, it helps regulate, manufacture, storage, distribution and sale of import food. It is easy to obtain funds from investors when an FBO has FSSAI registration.

The FSSAI logo on the food products ensures the quality of food to the customers. The FSSAI registration number displayed on the food premises indicate that the premises comply with the hygiene and quality standards.

Difference between FSSAI Registration and FSSAI License

ParticularsFSSAI RegistrationFSSAI License
Turnover LimitBusinesses having an annual turnover not exceeding Rs.12 lakhCompanies having an annual turnover of more than Rs.12 lakh
TypesBasic RegistrationFSSAI Central License and FSSAI State License
Size of BusinessPetty food business operatorsMedium and large-sized food business operators and food businesses
DurationDuration depends on the applicability of the registrationIssued for a period of a minimum of one year and a maximum of five years
ApplicationForm AForm B
Fees for Registration/LicenseFixed at Rs.100 per year.It varies from Rs.2000 to Rs.7500 per year, depending on the criteria and type of license.
PublicationThe FBO should display the FSSAI registration on the office premises, and the registered number should be displayed on the product package.The exporter, importer, traders, and producers have to mandatorily publish the FSSAI license number on the package of the products.

Procedure for Obtaining FSSAI Registration Online

  • FBOs can obtain FSSAI registration online by filling and submitting the FSSAI registration form, i.e. Form A (application for Registration) or Form B (application for State and Central License) on the FoSCoS portalThe FBOs can also register offline by submitting Form A or Form B to the Food and Safety Department.
  • The FSSAI registration form must be accompanied by the required documents. The documents must be uploaded online on the FoSCos portal at the time of filling the application or submitted to the Food and Safety Department along with the application physically.
  • The FSSAI registration form can be accepted or it may be rejected by the Department within 7 days from the date of receipt of an application either physically or online through the FoSCoS portal. If the application is rejected it has to be intimated to the applicant in writing.
  • The Department will scrutinise the documents submitted.
  • The Department may conduct an inspection of the food premises, before granting the FSSAI registration certificate, if necessary.
  • If the Department is satisfied that the FBO meets all the required criteria, then it will grant an FSSAI registration certificate with the registration number and the photo of the applicant email ID. The applicant can also download the FSSAI registration certificate by logging into the FoSCoS portal.
  • FBO should prominently display the certificate of FSSAI registration at the place of business during business hours.

FSSAI Registration Eligibility

FSSAI Registration is a basic license and it is required for all the FBOs involved in the small-scale food business. This category covers the following businesses:

  • Any FBO with an annual turnover of not more than Rs. 12 lakh.
  • Petty retailer dealing in food products.
  • Any person who manufactures or sells any food article by himself.
  • Food sale is done by the temporary stall holder.
  • Any individual who distributes food in any religious or social gathering except a caterer.
  • Small-scale or cottage industries dealing in the food business. 
  • Small businesses having the following food capacity limits:
1Food production (other than milk and meat)Up to 100 kg/ltr per day
2Procurement, handling and collection of milkUp to 500 ltr per day
3Slaughtering 2 large animals or 10 small animals or 50 poultry birds per day or less
4Transportation Single vehicle
5Vending machineUp to 12 vending machines in only one state/UT

FSSAI License Eligibility

For all other FBOs apart from small-scale businesses, the FSSAI license has to be obtained. FSSAI License can be classified into two categories i.e. State FSSAI License and Central FSSAI License based on the size of the business whether it is a medium scale or large scale business.

State FSSAI License

FBO with medium-sized manufacturing units, transporters, marketers, traders, etc., need to take State FSSAI registration from the State Government. This category covers the following businesses:

  • FBO’s must have a turnover between Rs 12 lakh to Rs 20 crore (Rs 30 crore in case of transportation business and wholesaler)
  • All grains, cereals, pulses milling units without any limit on production capacity
  • Medium-scale businesses having the following food capacity limits:
1Food production (other than milk and meat)1 MT to 2MT per day
2Procurement, handling and collection of milk501 to 50,000 ltr per day
3Slaughtering 3-50 large animals or 11-150 small animals or 51-1,000 poultry birds per day
4StorageUp to 10,000 MT
5Transportation 100 vehicles
6HotelOne, Two, Three and Four star rating
7Vending machineUp to 100 vending machines in only one state/UT

The tenure of the license issued is a maximum of 5 years and a minimum of 1 year.

Central FSSAI License

FBOs who are large manufacturers, importers and exporters dealing in large-scale food businesses need to obtain Central FSSAI registration from the Central Government. This category covers the following businesses:

  • FBO’s must have a turnover above Rs 20 crore (Rs 30 crore in case of transportation business and wholesaler)
  • Following FBOs irrespective of turnover or size of business:
    • Food businesses operating in two or more states.
    • Importers and exporters.
    • Proprietary food and Non-specified food. 
    • Food or health supplements and Nutraceuticals.
    • Radiation processing of foods.
    • Food Business Activities at premises of Central Govt Agencies
    • Caterers, restaurants, canteens, hawkers or petty retailers at the premises of railway stations
    • E-commerce food business
  • Large-scale businesses having the following food capacity limits:
1Food production (other than milk and meat)More than 2MT per day
2Procurement, handling and collection of milkMore than 50,000 ltr per day
3Slaughtering More than 50 large animals or more than 150 small animals or more than 1,000 poultry birds per day
4StorageMore than 10,000 MT
5Transportation More than 100 vehicles
6HotelFive star and above rating
7Vending machineMore than 100 vending machines located in two or more states/UTs

The tenure of the license issued is a maximum of 5 years and a minimum of 1 year.

Documents Required For Obtaining the FSSAI Registration/License

The following documents are required to obtain FSSAI basic registration, FSSAI state license and FSSAI central license:

  • Photo identity proof of the food business operators.
  • Business constitution certificate, i.e. partnership deed, certificate of incorporation, shop and establishment licence or other business registration certificate.
  • Proof of possession of business premises, i.e. rental agreement, NOC from the owner of the rented premises, utility bills etc.
  • Food safety management system plan.
  • List of food products manufactured or processed.
  • Bank account information.
  • Supporting documents (if required) like NOC by Municipality or Panchayat, Health NOC, copy of License from the manufacturer, etc.

Apart from the above-mentioned general documents, certain specific documents are required for obtaining the FSSAI state license and FSSAI central license. The specific documents required to obtain the FSSAI state license are:

  • Form B duly completed and signed
  • Plan of the processing unit showing the dimensions and operation-wise area allocation   
  • List of Directors/ Partners/ Proprietor with address, contact details, and photo ID
  • Name and list of equipment and machinery used with the number and installed capacity
  • Authority letter from manufacturer nominated a responsible person name and address
  • Analysis report of water to be used in the process to confirm the portability
  • Copy of certificate obtained under Coop Act 1861/Multi-State Coop Act 2002

Apart from the general license, the following specific documents are required to obtain FSSAI central license:

  • Form B duly completed and signed
  • Plan of the processing unit showing the dimensions and operation-wise area allocation   
  • List of Directors/ Partners/ Proprietor with address, contact details, and photo ID
  • Name and list of equipment and machinery used with the number and installed capacity
  • Authority letter from manufacturer nominated a responsible person name and address
  • Analysis report of water to be used in the process to confirm the portability
  • Source of raw material for milk, meat etc
  • Recall plan wherever applicable
  • Ministry of Commerce Certificate for 100% EOU
  • NOC/PA document issued by FSSAI
  • IE code document issued by DGFT
  • Form IX
  • Certificate from Ministry of Tourism
  • Supporting document for proof of turnover and transportation
  • Declaration form

Validity of FSSAI License/Registration

The FSSAI License / Registration will be issued for 1 to 5 years, as chosen by the Food Business Operator, from the date of issue of registration or license. The FBO must apply for renewal 30 days before the expiry of the current request.

Consequences for Conducting Business Without an FSSAI Registration

Engaging in any food-related business without a valid FSSAI registration/license, except for individuals exempted under sub-section (2) of section 31 of this Act, either personally or through a representative, for activities such as manufacturing, selling, storing, distributing, or importing food products without proper authorization, may lead to penalties.

The potential penalties for such actions can include a prison sentence of up to six months and a fine of up to five lakh rupees.

Any registered or licensed person under the FSSAI has to adhere to the rules and regulation under the FSS Act, 2006. Food safety officer generally conducts the inspection of the food business operator’s facility and identifies the level of compliance with the regulation using a checklist. Based on the compliance level, the food safety officer marks it as:

  • Compliance (C)
  • Non-compliance (NC)
  • Partial compliance (PC)
  • Not applicable/Not observed (NA)

Based on the above, the food safety officer might issue an improvement notice where ever required per Section 32 of the FSS Act, 2006. If the business operator fails to comply with the improvement notice, the officer after giving the licensee an opportunity to show cause may cancel his license. Any food business operator aggrieved by an improvement notice can appeal to the State Commissioner of Food Safety. The decision thereon can be challenged through appealing to the Food Safety Appellate Tribunal/High Court.

Penalty for Non- Compliance

Listed is the penalty for various type of non-compliance:

1Food quality not in compliance with act2 Lakh Petty manufacturer – 25,000/-
2Sub-standard food5 Lakh
3Misbranded Food3 Lakh
4Misleading advertisement or false description10 Lakh
5Extraneous matter in food1 Lakh
6Failure to comply with Food safety officer direction2 Lakh
7Unhygienic processing or manufacture1 Lakh


Q: What is FSSAI?

FSSAI stands for the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India. It is a regulatory body responsible for ensuring the safety and quality of food products in India.

Q: What details are mentioned on the FSSAI registration certificate?

The FSSAI registration certificate will contain the name and address of the FBO, address of the food business premises, kind of business and the period of validity. 

Q: How to renew your registration/license after expiry?

You need to renew your FSSAI Registration/license before the expiry of its validity period. In case you end up missing the date of renewal of the application, you will have to apply for a fresh FSSAI license if you wish to continue your food business operations.

Q: What are the different categories of license?

The FSS (Licensing & Registration) Regulations, 2011, licenses and registrations are granted to Food Business Operators in a 3 tier system based on the turnover and food manufacturing capacity limit. The three licenses are – FSSAI Basic Registration, FSSAI State license and FSSAI Central License.

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